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关键词:  气候变化  风景园林  城市安全  气候风险  碳中和  低碳韧性城市
分类号:TU984, TU984.11+5
Functional Orientation and Countermeasures of Landscape Architecture Under the Background of Climate Change
LIU Changsong
National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation
Landscape architecture, an important component of the urban ecosystem, plays a crucial role in the city’s response to climate change and the promotion of sustainable development. The practice of urban construction abroad has shown that reasonable planning and design of landscape architecture can effectively promote the construction of low-carbon resilient cities. From the macro-strategic perspective, this research makes a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the functional positioning and response strategies of landscape architecture in urban development under the background of climate change. It identifies three major functional positionings of landscape architecture in urban response to climate change, which are the climate disaster prevention function, green infrastructure function and carbon sink function. It puts forward five major design strategies for landscape architecture to actively respond to climate change: low-carbon landscape design strategy, climate adaptability design strategy, urban ecological safety design strategy, human health-centered design strategy and industry transformation and upgrading development strategy. They are expected to accelerate the construction of carbon-neutral gardens and climate-adaptive gardens, and play a positive role in mitigating and adapting to climate change in cities.
Key words:  climate change  landscape architecture  urban safety  climate risk  carbon neutral  low carbon resilient city
LIU Changsong.Functional Orientation and Countermeasures of Landscape Architecture Under the Background of Climate Change[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(12):75-79.