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李方正1, 宗鹏歌2
关键词:  大数据  游憩使用  可达性  服务范围  规划应对
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51908036,31670704);北京市自然科学基金 ( 编号 8194071);教育部人文社科基金项目 ( 编号 19YJC760042);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(编号 BLX201808);首都区域空间规划研究北京市重点实验室开放课题资助(编号 CLAB202006)
Research Progress of Urban Park Recreation Use and Planning Strategies Based on Multi-source Big Data
LI Fangzheng1, ZONG Pengge2
1.Beijing Forestry University;2.Chinese Academy of Forestry
Big data technology provides technical support for the innovation of landscape architecture planning methods, and brings new opportunities for urban park recreation use and planning response. This paper first sorts out and classifies the application types of big data in the study of urban park recreation use, and then analyzes the use of urban park recreation from four aspects: park recreation use, accessibility, service area, and planning response. Finally, the research methods of urban park recreation are classified and summarized. For example, in the use of recreation, big data can be used to determine the use of parks based on the distribution characteristics of visitors; in terms of accessibility, big data can be used to analyze the accessibility of urban parks at different scales to promote the rationality of park planning; in terms of area, big data can be used for research on the determination, flow and decline of urban park services to improve the fairness of park recreation planning; furthermore, it can be used to guide planning and response through research on factors affecting recreation use. On this basis, this paper also speculates on the development trend of big future data in the use of recreation, in order to provide reasonable ideas for the better application of big data in park recreation planning.
Key words:  big data  recreational use  accessibility  service area  planning response
LI Fangzheng,ZONG Pengge.Research Progress of Urban Park Recreation Use and Planning Strategies Based on Multi-source Big Data[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(1):10-16.