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茌文秀, 林广思
关键词:  景观体验  场所意义  存在主义现象学  海德格尔  真实性
基金项目:广东省基础与应用基础研究基金自然科学基金(编号 2019A1515010483)
Study on the Landscape Experiences and Place Significance Based on Existential Phenomenology
CHI Wenxiu, LIN Guangsi
South China University of Technology
Phenomenology provides a way to interpret the interactions between man and the environment around the experience and significance of places at the existential level. However, in the domestic research on landscape perception, there is still a lack of discussion on how to interpret the landscape experience and the meaning of places from an in-depth understanding of the concept of “existence”. Starting from Heidegger’s existential philosophy, this paper interprets landscape at the level of “existence” and points out that “authenticity” is the way to probe into the landscape experience. From the three dimensions of objective authenticity, constructive authenticity and existential authenticity, it systematically interprets the landscape experience, and further constructs the significance of landscape for the participants based on authentic experience, including the three aspects of sensory enjoyment, emotional connection, and self-exploration. The paper provides new ideas for the study of landscape experiences and place significance.
Key words:  landscape experiences  place significance  existential phenomenology  Heidegger  authenticity
CHI Wenxiu,LIN Guangsi.Study on the Landscape Experiences and Place Significance Based on Existential Phenomenology[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(1):99-103.