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刘骏, 蓝梦雪
关键词:  风景园林  山地城市  社区体育公园  用地条件  使用特征
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51978093)
Study on Site Conditions, Usage Characteristics and Their Coupling Relationship of Community Sports Parks in Mountainous Cities: A Case Study of Chongqing Urban Area
LIU Jun, LAN Mengxue
Chongqing University
The construction of community sports parks is an important way to implement the national strategy of public fitness. The special site conditions in mountainous cities have a key impact on exerting the benefit of community sports parks. A correct understanding of the site conditions, application features and coupling relationship between them can effectively guide the rapidly advancing practice and achieve the goal of urban construction with people as the core and building characteristic cities. Citing 24 community sports parks in Chongqing as the objects, the research, through structural methods of observation, questionnaire survey and correlation analysis, reaches the following results: 1) The Chongqing community sports parks have the characteristics of high accessibility, small scale, irregular plane shape, rich and varied spatial form. 2) Diverse users, few activities in mountainous areas, high frequency of use and satisfaction. 3) Mountainous terrain features become favorable factors for activity setting when the scale reaches a certain level. Meanwhile, the following conclusions are drawn for the construction of community sports parks in mountainous cities: 1) Guarantee the rationality of park site selection with scientific evaluation according to the particularity of site conditions. 2) Follow the low-impact construction strategy, to achieve a win-win result in construction and protection with activities in line with land use conditions. 3) Break through the site limitations and achieve the planning and design strategy of improving the comprehensive quality of the parks through the composite use of space.
Key words:  landscape architecture  mountainous city  community sports park  site conditions  usage characteristics
LIU Jun,LAN Mengxue.Study on Site Conditions, Usage Characteristics and Their Coupling Relationship of Community Sports Parks in Mountainous Cities: A Case Study of Chongqing Urban Area[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(1):104-111.