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基于 MSPA-InVEST 模型的北京中心城区绿色空间生境网络优化
陈泓宇, 李雄
全球生物多样性下降严峻的背景下,优化生境网络对城市生物多样性保护具有关键作用,是当前城市绿色空间研究的重点内容。MSPA-InVEST模型对中心城区尺度绿色空间的生境网络优化具有优势性与创新性,以北京中心城区为研究区域,使用MSPA-InVEST模型遴选生境源地,并以此为基础识别生境廊道与生境节点。结果表明:研究区域大尺度生境斑块连通性欠缺,生境破碎化且质量呈两极化趋势;通过识别生境源地205个(32个核心生境源地)、生境廊道463.2 km(88.5 km关键生境廊道)、生境节点527个(49个重要生境节点),构建研究区域生境优化网络。在新时期生态建设背景下,研究结果能够准确指导未来北京市中心城区绿色空间建设,为生物多样性的保护与恢复提供重要支撑。
关键词:  风景园林  城市绿色空间  生境网络  北京中心城区  MSPA  InVEST
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51908036,31670704);北京市自然科学基金 ( 编号 8194071);教育部人文社科基金项目(编号 19YJC760042)
Optimization of Green Space Habitat Network of Central Beijing Based on MSPA-InVEST Model
CHEN Hongyu, LI Xiong
Beijing Forestry University
Under the background of severe decline in global biodiversity, the enhancing and protection of biodiversity has become a focus of current urban green space research. The habitat network plays a key role in the biodiversity protection, and the optimization of urban habitat network can more effectively support the protection and restoration of urban biodiversity. Taking the central area of Beijing as the target, this research innovatively couples MSPA and InVEST models to select habitat source areas, giving comprehensive considerations to the spatial morphological and functional attributes of patches, based on which the habitat corridors and habitat nodes are identified. The research indicates that the MSPA-InVEST model has advantages and feasibility in the optimization of green space habitat network at the central city scale: the connectivity of large-scale habitat patches is deficient, the habitat is fragmented and shows a trend of polarization in the habitat quality; 205 habitat sources (32 core habitat sources), 463.2 km habitat corridor (88.5 km key habitat corridor) and 527 habitat nodes (49 significant habitat nodes) are identified in the research area. The scale, quality and connectivity of the habitat network should be further enhanced in the future. Under the background of ecological construction in the new era, the research results can accurately guide the construction of green space in the central area of Beijing in the future, and provide important support for the protection and restoration of biodiversity.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban green space  habitat network  central Beijing  MSPA  InVEST
引用本文:陈泓宇,李雄.基于 MSPA-InVEST 模型的北京中心城区绿色空间生境网络优化[J].风景园林,2021,28(2):16-21.
CHEN Hongyu,LI Xiong.Optimization of Green Space Habitat Network of Central Beijing Based on MSPA-InVEST Model[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(2):16-21.