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王忙忙1, 王云才2
关键词:  风景园林  公园绿地  供需匹配  耦合协调发展度  上海市杨浦区
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号 51978479);上海市科技创新行动计划课题(编号 19DZ1203303);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号 22120200082)
Measurement and Optimization of Supply and Demand of Park Green Space at Urban Block Scale: A Case Study of Yangpu District, Shanghai
WANG Mangmang1, WANG Yuncai2
1.Shanghai Urban Construction Vocational College;2.Tongji University
The research on the supply and demand of park green space plays an important role in improving the ecosystem service efficiency and spatial layout of urban park green space. In view of the deficiency in extended analysis at the fine spatial scale of the existing researches on the supply and demand, this paper focuses on the supply and demand research of park green space at the urban block scale. It reveals the real spatial matching of the supply capacity and demand level of park green space in Yangpu District. Firstly, it selects eight supply indexes, including cold island effect, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and park service radius coverage rate, to represent the supply capacity of park green space. It also adopts the point of interest (POI) density, plot ratio, total population density and other indicators that represent the demand capacity. Then it constructs the supply and demand matching evaluation index system and model. Secondly, through the calculation of the matching type, coupling degree and coordination development degree, it obtains the supply and demand of park green space at each block level in Yangpu District. It concludes that the park green space in Yangpu District is faced with the basic characteristics of mismatch between supply and demand, and there is a high degree of overall mismatch and unbalanced spatial distribution. Finally, the paper puts forward more specific and targeted strategies to optimize the spatial layout of park green space, providing precise and effective technical support and decision-making basis for the renewal, planning and design of park green space.
Key words:  landscape architecture  park green space  supply and demand matching  degree of coupling coordination development  Yangpu District of Shanghai
WANG Mangmang,WANG Yuncai.Measurement and Optimization of Supply and Demand of Park Green Space at Urban Block Scale: A Case Study of Yangpu District, Shanghai[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(2):22-27.