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基于空间句法和 LBS 大数据的杭州市综合公园可达性研究
付益帆, 杨凡, 包志毅
关键词:  风景园林  杭州  综合公园  可达性  空间句法  LBS 大数据  百度热力图
Research on Accessibility of Hangzhou Comprehensive Parks Based on Spatial Syntax and LBS Big Data
FU Yifan, YANG Fan, BAO Zhiyi
Zhejiang A&F University
Park green space, an important component of the urban green space system, provides natural ecological functions such as rain flood management, air purification, and ecological maintenance, and plays an important role in improving leisure experience, strengthening neighborhood communication, and influencing real estate values in terms of social and economic benefits. However, there are some problems with the methods of evaluating the accessibility of green space in parks, such as the singularity of the perspectives and indexes. The space syntax theory provides an effective tool for quantitative analysis and evaluation of the park layout space researches. Taking 16 comprehensive parks within the Hangzhou Ring Highway as the objects, the research applies the space syntax theory, as well as the kernel density analysis and buffer analysis in the ArcGIS, to analyze the accessibility of comprehensive parks in Hangzhou. It also adopts the LBS big data to study the real use intensity of comprehensive parks, and further verify the result of syntactic measurement from the angle of practical applications. The results show that the overall and local accessibility of the parks is good, while the perceptual accessibility is quite different. The spatial distribution of comprehensive parks and the shapes of the road networks are partly “dislocated”, and the use efficiency of the parks on working days and weekends presents three similar stages of “rising - steady - falling”, the conclusion of population aggregation in LBS big data is slightly different from that in theory in the local scale, though the overall space tends to be consistent. According to the results, it proposes that the overall accessibility of the comprehensive parks can be enhanced by increasing the density of the road network or the number of parks.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Hangzhou  comprehensive park  accessibility  space syntax  LBS big data  Baidu heat map
引用本文:付益帆,杨凡,包志毅.基于空间句法和 LBS 大数据的杭州市综合公园可达性研究[J].风景园林,2021,28(2):69-75.
FU Yifan,YANG Fan,BAO Zhiyi.Research on Accessibility of Hangzhou Comprehensive Parks Based on Spatial Syntax and LBS Big Data[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(2):69-75.