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石铁矛1, 卜英杰2
关键词:  城市绿地  景观格局  滞蓄能力  城市内涝  沈阳市
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51878418,52008267);辽宁省重点研发计划指导计划项目(编号 2017229003)
Research on the Impact of Multi-scale Green Space Landscape Pattern on Stagnation Capacity
SHI Tiemao1, BU Yingjie2
1.Shenyang Jianzhu University;2.Shanghai Mingye Architectural Planning and Design Co., Ltd
The urban green space system is an important component in the construction of the urban sponge system. It is more in line with the requirements of sustainable development to improve the overall stagnant storage capacity of the city through the optimization of the green space landscape pattern. This paper takes the built-up areas within the third ring road of Shenyang as the study area, and applies the landscape pattern index method to evaluate the green space landscape pattern at the urban area and site scales. It uses mathematical statistics methods such as correlation analysis and regression analysis to evaluate the two research scales, and analyze the relationship between green space landscape pattern and waterlogging risk. It concludes that on the urban scale, the impact of various types of green space landscape pattern indexes on the stagnation capacity of green land is as follows: green land scale characteristic index > green land morphological characteristic index > green land distribution characteristic index. On the site scale, the order of impact of various green land landscape pattern indexes on the stagnation capacity of green land is as follows: green land distribution characteristic index > green land scale characteristic index > green land morphology characteristic index. Through quantitative research, it obtains the influence of different scales of green space landscape patterns on the retention capacity, which provides reference for the planning and management of different levels of green space system layout in future sponge city planning.
Key words:  urban green space  landscape pattern  stagnation capacity  urban waterlogging  Shenyang City
SHI Tiemao,BU Yingjie.Research on the Impact of Multi-scale Green Space Landscape Pattern on Stagnation Capacity[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(3):88-94.