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贾梦圆, 陈天
随着城市发展与水生态环境的矛盾日益凸显,构建水生态安全格局已成为保障生态系统健康与稳定、促进城市可持续发展的重要规划手段。当前水生态安全格局的构建方法多依据水生态重要性评价,以被动保护的方式划定具有重要生态价值或较高敏感性的保护区域,而缺乏对于城市用地扩张威胁的主动式、预见性防范。以天津市为实证对象,探索应用土地利用变化模拟分析优化水生态安全格局的技术方法。研究发现:至2025年天津市共8片水域湿地、11段一级河道以及大量毛细水网,都是易受城市扩张威胁的水生态敏感区域;优化水生态安全格局的空间地域和保护等级后,高安全格局区域面积增加809 km2。论证了土地利用变化的多情景模拟分析,可为优化水生态安全格局提供有效参考。
关键词:  大地景观规划与生态修复  水生态安全格局  水生态系统  CLUE-S 模型  天津市
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号 52078329);国家重点研发计划(编号 2018YFC0704603)
Identifying and Optimizing Hydro-ecological Security Pattern with Land Use Change Modeling: A Case Study of Tianjin
JIA Mengyuan, CHEN Tian
Tianjin University
The growing conflicts between urban development and hydro-ecological system is a crucial issue. Building hydro-ecological security pattern (HESP) is an important planning method to protect the completion, health, stability of hydro-ecosystem and promote urban sustainable development. The existing HESP are mainly established based on the characteristics of hydro-ecology system, however, limited study is able to make the HESP by concerning the impacts of urban expansion on hydro-ecology system. This paper, taking Tianjin as an example, aims to explore an optimized method to identify HESP with land use change modeling. The results show that there are 8 lakes or wetlands, 11 main sections of river and many narrow rivers and streams are the sensitive area of urban expansion. The highly protected area in optimized HESP increased 809 km2. These findings indicate that land use change modeling can support identifying and optimizing the HESP.
Key words:  landscape planning and ecological restoration  hydro-ecological security pattern  hydro-ecosystem  CLUE-S model  Tianjin
JIA Mengyuan,CHEN Tian.Identifying and Optimizing Hydro-ecological Security Pattern with Land Use Change Modeling: A Case Study of Tianjin[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(3):95-100.