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金云峰, 万亿, 周向频, 陈静
关键词:  风景园林  人民城市  社区生活圈  公共绿地  城市更新行动  空间治理  公平性  包容性
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51978480)
JIN Yunfeng, WAN Yi, ZHOU Xiangpin, CHEN Jing
Tongji University
Guided by the People’s City concept, this research explores the organic synergy paths between the public green space of community life circle and the metropolitan development. It elucidates the connotation of the people’s community life circle with Chinese characteristics and smart planning governance approaches, analyzes the development features, extended value, and management ownership of public green space in metropolises, and establishes a problem-oriented multi-dimensional hierarchical goal framework. First, meet people’s demand for a better life from the overall level of spatial dimension and make community life circle public green space adapt to the urban spatial structure to ensure a systemic network layout with equity. Second, at the element level of value dimension, grasp the humanistic value of People’s City, make community life circle public green spaces meet diversified needs of the people and provide inclusive public services. Third, at the institutional level of time dimension, rely on the main forces of the People’s City, ensure the sustainable and healthy operation of the public green spaces in the community life circle, form multi-dimensional smart planning for refined coordination, accurate assessment of supply and demand, and precise implementation of countermeasures, so as to shape the organic order of community life form.
Key words:  landscape architecture  People’s City  community life circle  public green space  urban renewal action  space governance  equity  inclusiveness
JIN Yunfeng,WAN Yi,ZHOU Xiangpin,CHEN Jing.[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(4):10-14.