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刘佳燕, 李宜静
关键词:  社区综合体  规建管一体化  社区生活圈  整体治理  社区服务设施
基金项目:欧盟“地平线 2020”课题(编号 770141);住房和城乡建设部软科学研究项目(编号 2020-R-010)
Research on Optimization Strategies of Integrated Planning, Construction and Management of Community Complex: From the Perspectives of Community Life Circle and Holistic Governance
LIU Jiayan, LI Yijing
Tsinghua University
As the focus of community services and resources investment is increasingly directed to the grassroots, the construction of community life circles and community service facilities has been vigorously promoted in many Chinese cities. As the existing researches and practice mainly focus on plan compilation, index study and building construction, it has exposed many problems in the planning implementation and management operations. As an important part of the community life circle, the community complex is facing major challenges from “graphic integration” to “implementation integration” of community services. This paper takes community complex as the research object. Based on the case study in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Suzhou and other cities, and the methods of field survey, special symposium, questionnaire survey, and individual in-depth interview, as well as theoretical analysis of community life circle planning and holistic governance, this research summarizes the main fragmentation dilemmas and major challenges in the planning, construction and management process of community complex, and puts forward relative optimization strategies from the perspective of integration governance, including optimization of precise design control standards, establishment of interdepartmental and full-cycle coordination mechanism, and improvement of joint governance and cooperation mechanism.
Key words:  community complex  planning, construction and management integration  community life circle  holistic governance  community service facility
LIU Jiayan,LI Yijing.Research on Optimization Strategies of Integrated Planning, Construction and Management of Community Complex: From the Perspectives of Community Life Circle and Holistic Governance[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(4):15-20.