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胡一可, 丁梦月
城市社区绿地空间是以社区居民为主体服务人群的绿色公共设施,是实现存量挖潜、共建共享的重要空间资源。以社区绿地空间为检索主题,对检索得到的1 190篇英文论文和618篇中文论文进行文献计量分析,阐述了该领域的研究进展,并创新性地对比分析中英文论文的研究差异及中国与其他主要发文国家的研究差异。研究发现,中国学者在中英文语境下发表的研究成果有所不同:发表的英文论文紧跟国际趋势与研究热点,在国际学界有一定的引领作用;中文论文则呈现局限于城市绿地系统框架下紧跟政策的片段式研究特征,且明显滞后于英文文献。总结得出中国城市社区绿地空间的研究趋势与不足,以期为未来城市社区绿地空间研究提供参考。
关键词:  风景园林  社区绿地  公共健康  绿色公平  文献计量
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 52038007,51678394)
Advances in Urban Community Green Space Researches
HU Yike, DING Mengyue
Tianjin University
Urban community green space, a green public infrastructure mainly serving community residents, is an important spatial resource to realize the stock tapping, common construction and sharing. Taking community green space as the search theme, this research conducts a bibliometric analysis of 1,190 English papers and 618 Chinese papers to describe the research progress in this field, and creatively compares and analyzes the research differences between Chinese and English papers and between China and other major publications countries. It has found that the research results published by Chinese scholars in Chinese and English contexts are quite different: the published English papers keep up with the international trends and research hotspots, having a leading role in the international academic community; the Chinese papers are characterized by fragmented researches that follow policies within the framework of urban green space system and significantly lag behind the English literature. It summarizes the trends and deficiencies of urban community green space researches in China to provide a reference for future urban community green space researches.
Key words:  landscape architecture  community green space  public health  green justice  bibliometrics
HU Yike,DING Mengyue.Advances in Urban Community Green Space Researches[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(4):21-26.