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李翅, 赵凯茜, 高梦瑶, 冯一凡
关键词:  “城市人”  大型居住社区  生活圈  优化途径  龙泽园街道
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51978050)
Approaches to Optimize the Circle of Life in Large Residential Communities Under the Concept of “Homo-Urbanicus”
LI Chi, ZHAO Kaixi, GAO Mengyao, FENG Yifan
Beijing Forestry University
As urban development shifts from the incremental stage to the stock stage, the sustainable development of community, an important urban space, has become a hot spot in urban planning. The research on circle of life has also gradually become an important aspect of urban community renewal. Through literature research and analysis, this paper first summarizes the characteristics and related issues of circle of large residential community life in the four aspects of construction scale, functional layout, transportation system and population composition. Based on the “Homo-Urbanicus” theory, it puts forward three ways to optimize the circle of life, namely, the green space renewal approach based on the integration of community space environment, the functional layout construction approach based on multi-dimensional vitality, and the urban road network activation approach based on resources sharing. Finally, it carries out a detailed study and summary of the spatial environment of the Longzeyuan Sub-district, and puts forward the optimization strategy of the circle of life from the three perspectives of green open space system, employment and service facilities layout, and block scale and road network density, so as to provide inspirations for the renewal and governance of similar circle of community life.
Key words:  “Homo-Urbanicus”  large residential community  circle of life  optimization approaches  Longzeyuan Sub-district
LI Chi,ZHAO Kaixi,GAO Mengyao,FENG Yifan.Approaches to Optimize the Circle of Life in Large Residential Communities Under the Concept of “Homo-Urbanicus”[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(4):27-33.