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关键词:  风景园林  声景  绿色空间  视听关系  公众健康  新技术
基金项目:国家社会科学基金(编号 19BJY048);国家重点研发计划子课题(编号 2018YFC0704705);福建省社会科学规划项目基金(编号 FJ2018B087);福州大学引进人才科研启动项目(编号 GXRC-20085)
Progress of Contemporary Urban Soundscape Researches
HONG Xinchen
Fuzhou University
Soundscape, an important component of sensory landscape, has attracted many scholars to conduct studies. The soundscape researches contribute to the development of sound environment and landscape architecture. This research shows the origin and conception of the contemporary soundscape and related ISO, as well as the trends of urban soundscape, including: 1) The classification of soundscape elements, 2) The influence of climate and vegetation on soundscape, 3) The methods of interactive researches between individuals and soundscape, 4) The influence of soundscape on public health, 5) The methods of soundscape optimization, 6) The new technologies for soundscape application. It also discusses the challenges and opportunities about theories and methodologies of contemporary soundscape, including the gap between theories and practices, the limited applicability of theories and methods, the potential of soundscape interactions and the application of new technologies, providing reference and inspiration for the researches and applications of urban soundscape in the future.
Key words:  landscape architecture  soundscape  green space  audio-visual relationship  public health  new technology
HONG Xinchen.Progress of Contemporary Urban Soundscape Researches[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(4):65-70.