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张洋1, 李长霖2, 吴菲2
关键词:  风景园林  动态交互  行为感知  环境感知  虚拟交互
Interactive Landscape Practice and Future Trends Driven by Digital Technology
ZHANG Yang1, LI Changlin2, WU Fei2
1.Shanghai Jiao Tong University;2.Beijing Dream Deck Science and Technology Co., Ltd
In recent years, scholars in the field of landscape architecture have started to be highly concerned about digital technology and explore the possibility of combining it with the landscape architecture industry. It is firstly reflected in the process of utilizing digital technology as a tool to assist design. Secondly, it is embodied in the digital enhancement of landscape space, creating a new dynamic interaction between people and the environment, i.e., the interactive landscape. To date, interactive landscape has been applied to a certain extent in landscape architecture, but there is a lack of systematic research on its type and application mode. By studying the related theories and practices worldwide, this research divides it into three main types in terms of interaction patterns: behavior perception interactive landscape, environment perception interactive landscape and virtual interactive landscape. Based on the characteristics of each type, it systematically elaborates the interaction mechanism, interaction characteristics, and application scenarios, and explores the future development trends and challenges. It proposes that interactive landscape is a new exploration of the relationship among people, space and environment in landscape architecture driven by digital technology, which provides a new perspective for the study of landscape architecture.
Key words:  landscape architecture  dynamic interaction  behavioral perception  environmental perception  virtual interaction
ZHANG Yang,LI Changlin,WU Fei.Interactive Landscape Practice and Future Trends Driven by Digital Technology[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(4):99-104.