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笛东规划设计 ( 北京 ) 股份有限公司
关键词:  互联网时代  城市公共空间  行为特点  通道与节点  信息技术  空间认知  混合公共空间
Urban Public Space Design from the Perspective of Human Behaviors in the Internet Era
YUAN Songting
DDON Planning & Design Inc.
The Internet has shaped the forms of urban public space by influencing modern human activities. Compared with the rapid development of information technology, the intervention of space design has relatively lagged behind the technological trend. The design industry should take the initiative to respond to the changes and challenges brought by the Internet to meet user needs in this new era. This paper discusses the relationship between human behavioral changes and the physical features of urban public space by conducting a comparative research, and explores the fundamental impacts of the Internet era on public space. It extracts two basic spatial units, i.e., the path and node, in the analysis to shed light on and propose the logic and direction of urban public space design in the information technology era. The design strategy is to treat the changes of human behaviors in the Internet era as an opportunity and to create more flexible and diverse public space with rich spatial layers through encouraging the integration of the real and virtual space.
Key words:  internet era  urban public space  behavioral characteristic  path and node  information technology  spatial cognition  hybrid public space
YUAN Songting.Urban Public Space Design from the Perspective of Human Behaviors in the Internet Era[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(5):51-56.