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翟宇佳, 吴承照
关键词:  城市公园  公园活动场地与设施  设计特征  不同年龄使用者  满意度
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(编号 2019YFD1100803)
Identification of Main Influencing Factors on Urban Park Overall Satisfaction: Based on Analysis of Users of Different Age Groups
ZHAI Yujia, WU Chengzhao
Tongji University
User satisfaction with urban parks can influence their park uses and the benefits they receive. This research investigates young adults, middle-aged adults and seniors on their satisfaction with 41 sub-items and their overall satisfaction of 15 urban parks in Shanghai, and utilizes linear regression model and ANOVA to identify the factors that influence park overall satisfaction, as well as exploring the differences between different age groups. Generally, seniors have much higher requirements towards park facilities and the environment, and have the most factors that influence their overall satisfaction. Young adults more care about park sceneries; middle-aged adults more address park facilities. For all park users, the water surface spaciousness, overall cleanness, noise, square crowding, signboard, pathway cleanness and other factors can significantly influence the overall park satisfactions. Different age groups have different satisfaction toward the pathway length, pathway crowding, number of square benches, and square crowding. Based on the analysis results, this research proposes that urban parks should provide large water and beautiful greening if it is possible, enforce noise zoning management and maintenance, as well as providing enough free children’s playgrounds, outdoor fitness facilities, café/restaurants, shelters. The needs from different age groups should be considered in park planning and design.
Key words:  urban park  park activity zone and facility  design characteristics  different age groups  satisfaction
ZHAI Yujia,WU Chengzhao.Identification of Main Influencing Factors on Urban Park Overall Satisfaction: Based on Analysis of Users of Different Age Groups[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(5):57-62.