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游晓婕, 李琼, 孟庆林
关键词:  热岛效应  城市空间形态  城市生态规划  规划对策  局地气候分区法
分类号:TU 984.11+1
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51778237);广州市科技项目(编号 202002030261);国家重点研发计划资助(编号 2020YFE0200300)
Research on Spatial Patterns and Morphological Differentiation Control Strategy of Urban Heat Islands — A Case Study of Downtown Area of Guangzhou City
YOU Xiaojie, LI Qiong, MENG Qinglin
South China University of Technology
The in-depth study of the spatial morphological differences of urban heat islands is of great significance to understand urban heat island effects and improve the urban microclimate. Taking the downtown area of Guangzhou as an example, this research identifies the spatial patterns of heat islands with the spatial types of the regional circles, and extracts typical heat island blocks based on the LCZ theory for data analysis. It summarizes the spatial morphological characteristics from the aspects of land use type, surface coverage and construction intensity. The results show that the study area presents a wavy heat island spatial pattern of “double heights inside and outside” from the center to the periphery. It extracts four typical heat island blocks, namely, high-density residences, industries, high-density services, and facility agriculture. The polarization of building density, high proportion of industrial land, high proportion of impervious surface and low vegetation coverage are the main reasons for the strong heat islands in the study area. Based on this, the research puts forward an operational morphological differentiation control strategy, which enriches the research results on the spatial morphology of urban heat islands, providing a reference for the urban ecological planning and construction in hot and humid regions of the country.
Key words:  urban heat island  spatial pattern  differences in spatial form  control strategy  local climate zone
YOU Xiaojie,LI Qiong,MENG Qinglin.Research on Spatial Patterns and Morphological Differentiation Control Strategy of Urban Heat Islands — A Case Study of Downtown Area of Guangzhou City[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(5):74-79.