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倪畅, 周凯, 郑曦
关键词:  风景园林  景观生态风险评价  最小累积阻力模型  景观格局优化  浅山区  生态安全
基金项目:国家重点研发计划 ( 编号 2019YFD11004021)
Landscape Pattern Optimization Based on Landscape Ecological Risk Assessment: A Case Study of Shallow Mountain Area in Beijing
NI Chang, ZHOU Kai, ZHENG Xi
Beijing Forestry University
With the urban expansion and changes in the natural environment, shallow mountain area in the transition zone between deep mountains and pre-mountain plains have become vulnerable due to the combined effects of multiple source factors. Identifying landscape ecological risks in shallow mountain area and optimizing landscape patterns are effective means to ensure the ecological security and stability of shallow mountains and urban areas. Summarizing relevant studies at home and abroad, this research sets out with the ecological environment of shallow mountain area in Beijing. It applies the methods of landscape ecology, landscape pattern index, spatial principal component analysis, and geographic information system technology for a comprehensive assessment of landscape ecological risks from three aspects: landscape patterns, natural elements, and social elements. Based on the assessment results, it adopts the MCR model to construct ecological corridors and nodes to optimize the landscape patterns of shallow mountain area. The results show that the landscape ecological risks vary in the shallow mountain area, and the changes coincide with the land-use change trend. A total of 10 ecological source sites are identified, and 10 ecological corridors and 14 ecological nodes are constructed. These elements, together with the ecological source sites, have formed a multi-level ecological network with interwoven points, lines, and surfaces, and optimized the landscape patterns of shallow mountain area, effectively improving the ecological security level of the study area. They are of great significance for the development strategy in shallow mountain area that prioritizes ecology and promote a sustainable and healthy development mode in cities.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape ecological risk assessment  minimum cumulative resistance (MCR) model  landscape pattern optimization  shallow mountain area  ecological security
NI Chang,ZHOU Kai,ZHENG Xi.Landscape Pattern Optimization Based on Landscape Ecological Risk Assessment: A Case Study of Shallow Mountain Area in Beijing[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(5):80-85.