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毛华松, 王雪纯, 吴映华夏
关键词:  风景园林  城市山水风景  近代城市  田园城市  近代公园  审美转型
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号 51878087);教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目 ( 编号 18YJA770008)
Park-Oriented Development of Modern Urban Landscape: Cognition, Construction and Achievements
MAO Huasong, WANG Xuechun, WU Yinghuaxia
Chongqing University
Under the impact of western civilization, modern parks have been regarded as “civilized installations” and constituted an important part of urban planning across China. The urban landscape was an advantageous terrain and a place of recreation in ancient cities. Under which circumstances and in which ways it was integrated into the “parking” construction, and what role it presented are key clues to clarify the modern transformation of Chinese landscape aesthetics. Based on the general situation of modern urban transformation and municipal planning, this research explores the integration and development of landscape resources and the corresponding landscape recognition and construction under the expansion of urban governance boundaries in the 1920s, and points out that modern landscape parks have made three historical contributions, which are the supply of public space, the protection of natural and cultural resources and the enforcement of new planning ideas. It is of active exploration significance to understand the transformation of the aesthetics, functions, and construction relationship between the city and the landscape from the integration of ancient urban and rural areas to the dual development of modern urban and rural areas, and to reflect on the protection of natural cultural resources and the construction of park cities in the current land space perspective.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban landscape  modern city  Garden City  modern park  aesthetic transformation
MAO Huasong,WANG Xuechun,WU Yinghuaxia.Park-Oriented Development of Modern Urban Landscape: Cognition, Construction and Achievements[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(6):25-31.