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余洋, 张琦瑀
关键词:  风景园林  东北近代公园  历史变迁  龙沙公园  兆麟公园  胜利公园
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51978191)
Product of Cultural Change: Analysis of Evolution Process and Mechanism of Modern Parks in Northeast China
YU Yang, ZHANG Qiyu
Harbin Institute of Technology
Modern parks in northeast China emerged with the historical context of regime changes. They have evolved with the development of cities. Taking the historical changes of the parks as the objects, this research divides the process into three modes: inheritance, overlay and superposition. The international spatial characteristics of the development of northeastern cities make the parks become a field of foreign and local competition or replication. The internal incentives of the emergence and development are the dual influences of politics and culture. An in-depth study of the historical changes of modern parks in northeast China will help to clarify the value of its historical heritage and cultural landscape, carry out rational development and utilization according to the principle of heritage protection, and better protect and inherit the historical and cultural memory of the cities.
Key words:  landscape architecture  modern parks in northeast China  historical changes  Longsha Park  Zhaolin Park  Shengli Park
YU Yang,ZHANG Qiyu.Product of Cultural Change: Analysis of Evolution Process and Mechanism of Modern Parks in Northeast China[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(6):32-37.