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关键词:  城园互动  上海  公共园林  城市更新  转型  范式  比较研究  近代园林史
Interactions Between Urban Space and Landscape: Research on Transformation Mechanism of Urban Public Parks in Shanghai’s Urbanization from Early Modern to Nowadays
DUAN Jianqiang1, ZHANG Hua2
1.Inner Mongolia University of Technology;2.Henan Urban Planning Institute & Corporation
In the process of urban modernization in Shanghai over the past 100 years, various types of urban spaces have been gradually transformed into public parks. Yu Garden, Bund Park and Shanghai World Expo Park are typical cases of such transformation to boost urban development. They jointly constitute a transformation mechanism of “interactions between urban space and landscape” in terms of anchoring, inducing renewal motivation, and shaping space culture. This research, from the perspective of urban chronology along with renewal narrative space culture studies, launches a comparative study of the “paradigm” of the three urban public parks under the theme of space transformation in Shanghai’s urban modernization. It subsequently summarizes and puts forward the basic theoretical framework of the “interactions between urban space and landscape” mechanism in this process.
Key words:  interactions between urban space and landscape  Shanghai  public park  urban renovation  transformation  paradigm  comparative study  modern history of landscape and gardens
DUAN Jianqiang,ZHANG Hua.Interactions Between Urban Space and Landscape: Research on Transformation Mechanism of Urban Public Parks in Shanghai’s Urbanization from Early Modern to Nowadays[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(6):38-43.