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赵晶, 练则可, 姜昕怿
关键词:  风景园林  现代主义  事件路径  欧洲园林  设计思潮  设计要素
基金项目:教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目(编号 18YJC760146);城乡生态环境北京实验室;北京林业大学建设世界一流学科和特色发展引导专项
Modernism Features of European Gardens from the Perspective of “Event Path”: From the 1850s to 1970s
ZHAO Jing, LIAN Zeke, JIANG Xinyi
Beijing Forestry University
From the 1850s to 1970s, Modernism emerged and influenced European garden designing, making them show the characteristics of Modernism and gradually move from tradition to modernity. A deep interpretation of the development of Modernism characteristics of European gardens is of great significance to the current studies of landscape architecture historical theories. From the perspective of “event path”, this research takes European Modernism garden events as the path, and based on a large number of original historical documents and monographs, adopts the qualitative research methods of literature research and induction, to sort out and interpret the relationship between European Modernism gardens and social changes in this historical period, sum up the historical features of the styles and forms, analyze the expansion and evolution of the garden design concepts, and excavate the historical causes of the changes in the functions and attributes. It summarizes three Modernism characteristics of European gardens, which are the style change from the complex to the simple, the design concept change from naturalism to rationalism, and the garden functional expansion change from its limitation to the openness.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Modernism  event path  European gardens  design thoughts  design elements
ZHAO Jing,LIAN Zeke,JIANG Xinyi.Modernism Features of European Gardens from the Perspective of “Event Path”: From the 1850s to 1970s[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(6):44-49.