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郭茹, 张佳乐, 王洪成
关键词:  风景园林  关注度图谱  城市公园  专类公园  功能价值  空间格局  绩效评价
Research Progress and Prospect of Chinese Urban Specialized Parks in the Field of Landscape Architecture in the Past 40 Years (1980—2019)
GUO Ru, ZHANG Jiale, WANG Hongcheng
Tianjin University
The development of specialized parks is closely related to the supply of urban green space services. Applying the sample data feature analysis and attention map analysis, this research studies the literature samples of specialized parks related to the field of landscape architecture in China from 1980 to 2019. It divides the research process of urban specialized parks into three stages: the smooth investigation period, investigation development period and rapid development period, and summarizes the research contents and method characteristics of each stage. From the three dimensions of landscape function, planning and design, and landscape performance evaluation, it analyzes the attention map level of the research contents of 15 types of specialized parks, and reviews the overall research focus of the current specialized parks. Incorporating foreign literature, it puts forward the research prospect from three aspects: functional value, spatial pattern, and performance evaluation of specialized parks. This research breaks through the limitations of previous researches on the individual categories of specialized parks.
Key words:  landscape architecture  attention map  urban park  specialized park  functional value  spatial pattern  performance evaluation
GUO Ru,ZHANG Jiale,WANG Hongcheng.Research Progress and Prospect of Chinese Urban Specialized Parks in the Field of Landscape Architecture in the Past 40 Years (1980—2019)[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(6):94-99.