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夏文莹, 杜雁, 王玏
关键词:  城市形态学  历史街区  形态演变  水环境  耦合关系
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号 2662018JC041)
Research on Coupling Relationship Between Historical Morphological Evolution of Hanzheng District and Water Environment in Wuhan
XIA Wenying, DU Yan, WANG Le
Huazhong Agriculture University
The study of the relationship between the urban historical form and the natural environment in the formation and evolution is an important basis to understand a city, and protect its historical features and regional development. Taking Hanzheng District of Wuhan City as an example, this research collects historical literature and field surveys, and selects the boundary, streets and alleys, business center, and water infrastructure as the four elements of the urban historical form. It then analyzes the evolution process and coupling relationship with the water environment from the perspective of historical development. It finds out that the coupling relationship between the historical form and the water environment of Hanzheng District has experienced the phases of extremely high, relatively high, relatively high, moderate and low. It indicates that there exists a complex mechanism among the elements of the urban historical form in the evolution, which is important to the formation and evolution of cities. The protection of urban landscape features should emphasize the discovery of the coupling relationship and internal order among the morphological elements.
Key words:  urban morphology  historic districts  morphological evolution  water environment  coupling relationship
XIA Wenying,DU Yan,WANG Le.Research on Coupling Relationship Between Historical Morphological Evolution of Hanzheng District and Water Environment in Wuhan[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(6):100-106.