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陆熹, (德)埃卡特·兰格
关键词:  社区更新  利益相关方参与  “影响力 – 利益”矩阵  “行动者 – 关系”网络  泮塘五约  社区规划
基金项目:国家留学基金委和英国谢菲尔德大学合作奖学金(编号 201706090252);2021 年度国际城市与规划研究基金会奖学金;牛顿基金、英国工程和自然科学研究委员会研究项目(编号 P/R024979/1)
Stakeholder Characteristics and Interactions in a Participatory Community Renewal Project: A Case Study of Pun Tong Wuyue Village, Guangzhou
LU Xi, (DEU) Eckart Lange
The University of Sheffield
In community renewal, a thorough understanding of the characteristics of stakeholders and their interactions is essential for achieving community consensus and optimizing the renewal outcomes. Different from the descriptive approaches that are often used for stakeholder analysis in community renewal, this research systematically analyzes the dynamics of the stakeholder network in participatory planning using the case of the Pun Tong Wuyue Micro-renewal Project. Drawing on the influence-interest grid, actor-linkage matrix and statistical analysis, data are collected through ethnographic observations, surveys and semi-structured interviews. The research is divided into three steps: 1) A total of 145 participants were grouped in 14 stakeholder categories; 2) The characteristics, including the influence, interest and participation level of each stakeholder, were analyzed; 3) The communications and relationships between various stakeholder categories were examined. The results highlight the effectiveness of holding participatory activities and establishing common interests in building positive stakeholder relationships. They also show the importance of community planners and designers, clan representatives, relevant governmental departments, and news media in mobilizing information. The marginalization of the elderly, females, less educated people and other less influential social groups was revealed, calling for more inclusive participation. The findings are of significance for the implementation of future participatory community renewal practices.
Key words:  community renewal  stakeholder participation  influence-interest grid  actor-linkage matrix  Pun Tong Wuyue  community planning
LU Xi,(DEU) Eckart Lange.Stakeholder Characteristics and Interactions in a Participatory Community Renewal Project: A Case Study of Pun Tong Wuyue Village, Guangzhou[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(9):24-30.