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毛键源, 孙彤宇, 刘悦来, 王润娴
关键词:  公共空间  社区规划师  空间治理  微更新  社区更新  社区营造  公众参与
Research on Shanghai Community Planner System under the Governance of Public Space
MAO Jianyuan, SUN Tongyu, LIU Yuelai, WANG Runxian
Tongji University
Urban public space bears complex demands of multi-stakeholders, so it is urgent to build a multi-stakeholder coordinated spatial governance mechanism. In view of the lack of long-term spatial governance system in the current community renewal in China, Shanghai has taken the lead in exploring the community planner system, trying to build a multi-coordinated sustainable community development mechanism. Taking the community planner system in Yangpu, Pudong and Xuhui districts of Shanghai as examples, this research firstly reviews the construction of the public participation system of community planners around the world, and elaborates the dual establishment context of social governance modernization and community participatory renewal of the community planner system in Shanghai, and the idea of “government-led and public participation”. Then it focuses on the analysis of the system characteristics and achievements of Yangpu, Pudong and Xuhui Districts respectively. Finally, it summarizes and puts forward the current public space governance mechanism of Shanghai community planner system from the aspects of management system, organizational structure and content implementation, and looks ahead to the next development vision.
Key words:  public space  community planner  space governance  micro-regeneration  community renewal  community empowerment  public participation
MAO Jianyuan,SUN Tongyu,LIU Yuelai,WANG Runxian.Research on Shanghai Community Planner System under the Governance of Public Space[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(9):31-35.