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禹佳宁1, 周燕1, 王雪原2, 郭诗怡1
关键词:  蓝绿空间  景观格局  土地利用  城市内涝  雨洪调蓄  logistic 回归分析
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(编号 51708426);中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金(编号 2042018kf0250)
Influence of Urban Blue-green Landscape Pattern on Rainfall-flood Regulation and Storage Function
YU Jianing1, ZHOU Yan1, WANG Xueyuan2, GUO Shiyi1
1.Wuhan University;2.Southeast University
In recent years, frequent urban waterlogging has aroused strong concern in the society. The existing researches largely focus on the impacts of landscape pattern changes on flood from the perspective of the disaster genesis, and the response relationship between the blue-green landscape pattern and the rainfall-flood regulation and storage functions needs to be further studied. Taking Jiangxia District of Wuhan as the target, this research, by comparing the results of remote sensing images under continuous sunny and rainy days, establishes a rainfall-flood transfer matrix to characterize the storage conditions. Based on literature review and Spilman correlation coefficient analysis, it selects the landscape indexes of PARA, SHAPE, FRAC, CIRCLE and ECON, and applies the binary logistic regression analysis to analyze the influence of landscape pattern on the function of rainfall-flood regulation and storage. The results show that: 1) The FRAC has a direct effect on the capacity of rainfall-flood regulation and storage, and the protection of the natural form of blue-green space should be highlighted in the optimization of urban storage layout. 2) There is no significant correlation between the rainfall-flood regulation and storage and the contagion metrics of blue-green space. The results provide quantitative support for the theory of storage efficiency of urban blue-green landscape pattern, and ideas for the study of urban flood control and landscape pattern optimization.
Key words:  blue-green space  landscape pattern  land use  urban waterlogging  rainfall-flood regulation and storage  logistic regression analysis
YU Jianing,ZHOU Yan,WANG Xueyuan,GUO Shiyi.Influence of Urban Blue-green Landscape Pattern on Rainfall-flood Regulation and Storage Function[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(9):63-67.