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王倩娜1, 庄子薛1, 马嘉2
关键词:  风景园林  区域景观规划  国土空间规划  协调管控  日本  景观风貌
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金 ( 编号 31500581);成都市科技项目(编号 2019-RK00-00261-ZF)
Planning, Coordination and Control of Regional Landscape: Experience and Enlightenment from Japan
WANG Qianna1, ZHUANG Zixue1, MA Jia2
1.Sichuan University;2.Beijing Forestry University
Since the promulgation of the Landscape Law in 2004, Japan has accumulated considerable experience in regional landscape planning in diversified scales and types. It could provide enlightenment for the planning, coordination and control of regional landscape in China from the perspective of the landscape architecture discipline, considering that China has attached increasingly greater importance to the construction of large-scale ecological space system across administrative boundaries in its territory spatial planning. Based on Japan’s regional landscape, this research interprets, clarifies and compares the concepts of regional landscape, then analyzes the orientation, objectives, content composition, coordination and control mechanism of regional landscape planning in Japan, as well as the control and declaration requirements of regional landscape planning with the Kanmon Strait case. It puts forward enlightenment in five aspects related to the legal system, territorial space, planning management and control, multi-party coordination, and public participation for China’s regional landscape planning based on the experience from Japan.
Key words:  landscape architecture  regional landscape planning  territory spatial planning  coordination and control  Japan  landscape style
WANG Qianna,ZHUANG Zixue,MA Jia.Planning, Coordination and Control of Regional Landscape: Experience and Enlightenment from Japan[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(9):68-74.