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刘颂1, 赖思琪2
1.同济大学;2.伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳 – 香槟分校
关键词:  风景园林  城市滨水公共空间  多源数据  公共空间活力  年龄多样性
Factors Influencing Users Diversity of Urban Waterfront Public Spaces Based on Multi-source Data
LIU Song1, LAI Siqi2
1.Tongji University;2.University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urban waterfront public space is an important open space for public social activities, and diverse crowds in the public space are a core element to stimulate the vitality of cities. This research applies mobile phone signaling data to obtain the gathering density and age diversity of people of various age groups. Taking the core section of Huangpu waterfront public space in Shanghai as the case, this research investigates the correlation between the age diversity and environmental elements of waterfront public space based on multi-source data, and identifies the internal and external characteristics of the waterfront space that significantly affect the age diversity, providing a basis for the design of the urban public space. The research shows that the waterfront shoreline exposure, walking experience, surrounding environmental facilities, residential population density and traffic accessibility are the main factors affecting the diversity of users of Huangpu waterfront public space, and puts forward that optimizing the interaction between waterfront public space and its surrounding environment can serve as an effective way to promote all-age friendliness and enhance the vitality of the city.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban waterfront space  multi-source data  public space vitality  age diversity
LIU Song,LAI Siqi.Factors Influencing Users Diversity of Urban Waterfront Public Spaces Based on Multi-source Data[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(9):75-81.