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朱逊, 张雅倩, 赵巍
关键词:  城市绿地  评估工具  质量评估  评估指标  体力活动
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目( 编号 51878206); 黑龙江省教育科学规划课题( 编号 GJB1320074)
Systematic Review of Environmental Quality Assessment Tools for Urban Green Spaces
ZHU Xun, ZHANG Yaqian, ZHAO Wei
Harbin Institute of Technology
The environmental quality assessment tools for urban green spaces, which are widely used to explore the relationship between spatial characteristics and physical activities, have become a research hotspot in the fields of urban planning, public health and sports science. Adopting the bibliometric and meta-analysis methods, this research sorts out nine tools for assessing urban green space environmental quality, and summarizes the application modes and scopes, advantages and disadvantages of these assessment tools. First of all, it finds out that the development of the environmental quality assessment tools for urban green spaces began in the early 21st century, and has experienced the exploration period, development period and active period. The tools assessment scope covers urban parks, walking environment, and neighborhood green space. The primary assessment methods include systematic observation, remote assessment and subjective perception. Then, based on the differences in environmental scales, it sums up 8 first-level indicators and 58 second-level indicators. The first-level indicators comprise the traffic environment, surrounding environment, entertainment and convenience facilities, natural quality, maintenance management, artistic aesthetics, and safety guarantee. Finally, it explores the practical application of standard tools, providing a basis for mutual reference and integration of multiple disciplines.
Key words:  urban green space  assessment tool  quality assessment  assessment indicators  physical activity
ZHU Xun,ZHANG Yaqian,ZHAO Wei.Systematic Review of Environmental Quality Assessment Tools for Urban Green Spaces[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(9):90-95.