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王志芳1, 康佳1, 徐敏1, 林广思2
关键词:  游憩服务  用户类型  规划设计  景观管理  城市公园  风景园林
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 41871153)
Characterizing User Groups in Beijing Parks
WANG Zhifang1, KANG Jia1, XU Min1, LIN Guangsi2
1.Peking University;2.South China University of Technology
Urban parks are important places for the public to carry out recreational activities. How to understand the needs of different users and then improve the parks’ recreational service capabilities is one of the focuses of future urban park renewal and management. However, existing researches on urban park users largely underscore the differences of park users from the single factor perspective, and lack a systematic description of the types of urban park users by integrating multiple demographic and behavioral characteristics. Citing 11 urban parks in Beijing as the objects, this research, using the questionnaire survey and SPSS statistical analysis methods, comprehensively considers users’ demographic characteristics, visit-related behaviors and recreation purposes to integrally characterize the user groups. The research finds: 1) The typology of urban park users can be summed up as “personal health type (elder, high frequency, short-time stay)”, “social leisure type (youth, mid frequency, medium-time stay)” and “family outing type (middle age, low frequency, long-time stay)”; 2) The three user groups are diversified in the selection and preference of the parks; 3) The three types of users vary in the satisfaction with using the parks. The user satisfaction of the “family outing type” is the lowest, that of the “social leisure type” is the moderate, and that of the “personal health type” is the highest. The research provides direct suggestions for the detailed design and management of urban parks, which are to segment the recreation functions of the parks from the three user types, and to strengthen the design strategy for the needs of the “family outing type” and “social leisure type” users.
Key words:  recreational services  user group  planning and design  landscape management  urban park  landscape architecture
WANG Zhifang,KANG Jia,XU Min,LIN Guangsi.Characterizing User Groups in Beijing Parks[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(9):96-102.