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(加)菲昂·伯恩1, 罗融融2
16世纪威尼斯的精英阶层热衷于将财富投资于内陆地区(意大利语:terraferma)的别墅庄园。别墅庄园是集建筑、景观和花园于一体的农业单元。这些别墅庄园的建造对内陆的环境产生了重要影响,将原本非生产性的、不健康的场地转变为收益颇丰且令人愉悦的休养场所。威尼斯建筑师安德烈亚·帕拉第奥(Andrea Palladio,1508—1580)因别墅设计而闻名,其1570年出版的著作《建筑四书》(Four Books of Architecture)更是广为人知。通过历史梳理和空间分析,探讨帕拉第奥在埃莫别墅和圆厅别墅中通过构建健康环境为庄园主创造健康福祉的设计思想。然而,从呼吸不平等的视角剖析上述两栋别墅时,发现精英阶层的健康状况在一定程度上是通过剥夺其他人的同等机会而实现的。在16世纪的威尼斯内陆地区,精英们通过控制并剥夺其他人享有水、空气和土地的平等权利,来保持自身健康。认为这种获取健康的方式会引发空间正义问题。因此,部分群体在谋取自身利益时必须要考虑对其他群体的影响。虽然研究重点是例证帕拉第奥惯用之设计手法的两座著名别墅,但也试图分析帕拉第奥的其他作品和以帕氏建筑为模板的作品中存在的结构性不平等。
关键词:  空间正义  呼吸不平等  疗愈花园  帕拉第奥式别墅
Towards a Landscape of Equality: Design of the Palladian Villa to Control Access to Health
(CAN) Fionn Byrne1, LUO Rongrong2
1.University of British Columbia;2.Chongqing Jiaotong University
Venetian elite of the sixteenth century invested their wealth in villas on the mainland terraferma. A villa is an agricultural unit that combines architecture, landscape, and gardens. Their construction had a significant impact on the environment of the terraferma, converting unproductive and unhealthy sites into profitable and pleasurable retreats. The Venetian architect Andrea Palladio (1508–1580) remains well known for his villa designs, popularized through his 1570 book I Quattro Libri dell’Architettura (Four Books of Architecture). Through historical analysis and spatial critique, this essay will explore Palladio’s strategies to construct a healthy environment and benefit the landowners’ health at the Villa Emo and Villa Almerica. However, by looking at the same villas through a lens of atmospheric inequality, I will reveal that a state of health was available to the elite in part by denying others the same opportunity. On the terraferma in the sixteenth century, by controlling water, air, and land, a Venetian’s ability to be healthy was secured by dispossessing others of the same right. This paper will show that access to health raises questions of spatial justice. Furthermore, gains for one segment of the population must consider the consequences to others. While this study focuses on two well-known villas that exemplify design techniques used repeatedly by Palladio, this article also identifies an opportunity to analyze structural inequalities in Palladio’s other works and in works that follow the model he developed.
Key words:  spatial justice  atmospheric inequality  healing garden  Palladian Villa
(CAN) Fionn Byrne,LUO Rongrong.Towards a Landscape of Equality: Design of the Palladian Villa to Control Access to Health[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(10):107-119.