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(荷)斯特芬·奈豪斯1, (荷)保罗·西森2, (荷)爱丽兹·斯托默-斯密斯3, 张清然4, 蔡佳秀5
气候变化与城市化对圩田景观、历史村庄及其周围环境,以及那些不能只被当作“纪念碑”来保护的考古景观等文化遗产景观的管理和保护有重大影响。本研究主要关注历史庄园景观,即由乡村庄园及其所在土地决定其特征的景观。首先,气候适应是一项重大挑战,亟须解决由于温度升高而导致的水资源“盈亏”与植被的变化。此外,持续的城市化与人类日益增长的休闲需求也给庄园景观带来了空前的压力。如何应对由城市化带来的空间碎片化问题,以及如何回应休闲旅游业需求的增加而带来的庄园产权转换和功能置换等问题,是现如今庄园景观面临的巨大挑战。这些挑战的复杂性需要从区域或“直升机”视角(helicopter view)来理解庄园之间的系统性关系和内涵,从而找到各利益相关方可协作的平台。以荷兰格尔德兰省(Gelderland)为例,介绍一种基于景观的区域设计方法来理解、规划和设计历史庄园景观,即“通过设计来保护”的方法:以历史景观的空间发展结构为基础,执行核心利益相关者全过程参与机制,结合以图像为主要媒介的沟通方式,建构基于合作与共创的空间策略与准则。这是如何利用设计研究以及通过设计进行研究的典型例子。
关键词:  韧性景观规划管理  区域景观设计  文化遗产景观  遗产庄园景观  利益相关者参与
Designing Resilient Heritage Landscapes: A Landscape-based Regional Design Approach for the Preservation and Development of Historical Estate Landscapes
(NLD) Steffen Nijhuis1, (NLD) Paul Thissen2, (NLD) Elyze Storms-Smeets3, ZHANG Qingran4, CAI Jiaxiu5
1.Delft University of Technology;2.Heritage Protection and Development at the Province of Gelderland, The Netherlands;3.Heritage Agency Gelders Genootschap;4.Beijing Forestry University;5.Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)
Climate change and urbanisation have a major effect on the management and protection of cultural heritage landscapes, such as polder landscapes, historical villages and their surroundings, or archaeological landscapes that cannot be protected as a single monument. This article focusses on historical estate landscapes, whose character is determined by country estates and their lands. Here climate adaptation is also a significant challenge while addressing the abundance and shortage of water and changes in vegetation due to temperature increase. At the same time, the pressure is increasing due to ongoing urbanisation and related recreational needs. Also, these heritage landscapes have to deal with spatial fragmentation due to urbanisation, changing ownership, change of function, etc. The complexity of these challenges needs a regional perspective or ‘helicopter view’ to understand the coherence and systemic relationships between the estates and find common ground in which stakeholders can work together. This article introduces a landscape-based regional design approach for understanding, planning, and designing heritage estate landscapes, using learning cases from the Province of Gelderland (The Netherlands) as an example. It elaborates a preservation-through-planning approach that takes spatial development with historical landscape structures as a basis and engages in a process with meaningful stakeholder engagement and visualisation/communication to invent spatial strategies and principles founded on co-creation and collaboration using design research and research through design as an essential means.
Key words:  resilient landscape planning and management  regional landscape design  cultural heritage landscapes  heritage estate landscapes  stakeholder engagement
(NLD) Steffen Nijhuis,(NLD) Paul Thissen,(NLD) Elyze Storms-Smeets,ZHANG Qingran,CAI Jiaxiu.Designing Resilient Heritage Landscapes: A Landscape-based Regional Design Approach for the Preservation and Development of Historical Estate Landscapes[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(11):15-32.