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赵忆, 周娉倩, 许超然, 刘庭风
一系列重大皇家祭天遗址的考古发现,表明以“文化考古”为主的各类天文遗址景观是观察人类文化与信仰的直接证据。为探究皇家祭天遗址所反映的空间特征与文化特征,通过对皇家祭天场所进行分类、探源,总结“郊”“丘”“坛”等祭祀形式的发展与演变趋势。以北魏时期蜈蚣坝圜丘遗址为例,通过景观考古学的“遗址还原—信息解读—特征归纳”研究方法,借助ArcGIS、Global Mapper软件与卫星影像图,直观地呈现空间环境、遗址结构和社会关系。发现圜丘遗址是边疆山脉和北魏六镇城池防御系统的重要部分,并且圜丘遗址作为祭祀场所,不仅兼具宏大、粗犷的北魏景观特征与鲜卑民族特色,还蕴含“天圆地方”“天人合一”等原始宇宙观与环境观。进而总结遗址本体与多层级社会及环境结构的关系,以期为未来大遗址系统保护研究提供参考。
关键词:  景观考古学  皇家祭天遗址  风景园林  天文考古学  北魏圜丘  遗址保护
基金项目:天津市艺术科学规划项目(编号 C18011)
Analysis of Royal Sacrificial Sites Based on Landscape Archaeology: A Case Study of Circular Mound at the Top of Onggon Dabaga of the Northern Wei Dynasty
ZHAO Yi, ZHOU Pingqian, XU Chaoran, LIU Tingfeng
Tianjin University
The discovery of a series of important archaeological excavations of the royal sacrificial sites shows that astronomical sites, mainly based on cultural archaeology, are direct evidence for observing human culture and belief. In order to explore the spatial and cultural characteristics reflected by the royal heaven sacrificial site, through the classification and exploration of royal heaven worship sites, this research summarizes the development trend and evolution characteristics of the sacrificial forms, such as “suburb”, “mound” and “altar”. Taking the Circular Mound at the top of Onggon Dabaga of the Northern Wei Dynasty as an example, ArcGIS, Global Mapper and satellite images are utilized to present the spatial environment, site structure and social relationship under the methods of “site restoration – information interpretation – feature induction” of Landscape Archaeology. It is found that the Circular Mound is an essential part of the frontier mountains and six-city defense system. As a sacrificial place, it has the grand and rough landscape features of the Northern Wei Dynasty and Xianbei national characteristics, and contains original view of the universe and environmental based on the concept that human is an integral part of nature. Concluding the relations between site ontology and multi-level social and environmental structure gives enlightenment on the research of systematic protection of large sites.
Key words:  Landscape Archaeology  royal sacrificial site  landscape architecture  Archaeoastronomy  Circular Mound of the Northern Wei Dynasty  ruins protection
ZHAO Yi,ZHOU Pingqian,XU Chaoran,LIU Tingfeng.Analysis of Royal Sacrificial Sites Based on Landscape Archaeology: A Case Study of Circular Mound at the Top of Onggon Dabaga of the Northern Wei Dynasty[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(11):33-38.