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中国的屯田制度正式确定于西汉时期(公元前206年—9年),是我国古代在边疆地区推行的军事农业制度。中国历史上历代大一统的中央王朝都把屯田制度作为开发边疆、巩固边防的一项重要国策。基于高分辨率国产高分一号卫星(GF-1)遥感影像、美国陆地资源卫星(LS-1、LS-7)遥感影像和ASTER全球数字高程模型(ASTER-GDEM)数据产品,利用“斑块–廊道–基质”景观模式分析和GIS空间分析方法,对位于塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘楼兰古国附近的汉代米兰屯田景观进行空间考古研究。利用多源卫星遥感解译绘制了扇形的米兰屯田古灌区,并对7条干渠进行了空间分析与综合制图。综合利用遥感、GIS等技术估算得到米兰屯田最大的绿洲灌溉农业面积,超过8 000 hm2。运用“斑块–廊道–基质”模式对米兰屯田景观的总体空间结构进行景观考古探讨分析,并引入干旱–半干旱地区特有的“山地–绿洲–荒漠”生态系统(MODES),讨论MODES三个子系统在米兰屯田景观中的作用与特征。米兰屯田景观空间考古研究为认知与理解汉代西域屯田景观提供全新视角。
关键词:  屯田景观  空间考古  卫星遥感  米兰  丝绸之路
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(编号 2020YFC1521901)
Space Archaeology on Tuntian Landscape of Han Dynasty in Western Regions: A Case Study of the Miran Site
Aerospace Information Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Formally established in the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.–9 A.D.), the Tuntian system was a state-promoted military agriculture system carried out in the frontier areas in ancient China. In Chinese history, all the imperial regimes achieving great unification of the country took Tuntian as an important state policy to develop border areas and consolidate border defense. This research describes the use of space archaeology to uncover an ancient canal-based Tuntian system located in an oasis agricultural landscape adjacent to the ancient Kingdom of Loulan at the southern margin of the Tarim Basin. The remote sensing data examined include Chinese Gaofen-1 (GF-1) VHR imagery, Landsat satellite data (LS-1 and LS-7) and ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (ASTER GDEM) products. Based on the comprehensive interpretation of the multi-source satellite remote sensing data, the fan-shaped Tuntian irrigation area in Miran Site is mapped and spatial layout analysis and thematic mapping of seven primary canals are made. The maximum irrigated Tuntian area is estimated to exceed 8,000 hm2 during the most prosperous period. The overall spatial structure of the Miran Tuntian landscape is explored with the patch–corridor–matrix model. The MODES concept is employed to discuss the functions and features of three subsystems to the Miran Tuntian landscape. The space archaeology on the Miran Tuntian landscape provides a new insight of understanding the Tuntian landscape of the Han Dynasty in the Western Regions.
Key words:  Tuntian landscape  space archaeology  satellite remote sensing  Miran  Silk Road
LUO Lei.Space Archaeology on Tuntian Landscape of Han Dynasty in Western Regions: A Case Study of the Miran Site[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(11):39-43.