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董丽, 邢小艺
城市植被的生长发育受到气候变化的显著影响,从而限制了其生态系统服务的稳定供给。深入了解气候变化对城市植被的影响对于提高城市植被应对气候变化的生态适应性、维持生态系统稳定性及保障景观可持续性十分重要。对国内外学术论文进行全面梳理和系统归纳后,对气候变化影响城市植被的相关研究进展进行了综合阐述,旨在增进风景园林及相关行业人士对此方向的了解与关注。当前研究表明:全球气候变化对城市植被的生长状况、树种构成、物候特征、植物景观及生态功能等多方面产生了显著的直接或间接影响。既包括延长植物生长期等积极影响,也包括以下负面影响:气候变暖加速植物衰老;极端气候现象对植物生长构成胁迫;城市气候适宜生境(climatically-suitable habitats)减少导致树种多样性下降和生物入侵风险增大;气候变化带来的物候变化导致群落种间关系及植物季相景观改变;物候期的年际波动增加了游赏活动时间安排及物候相关疾病发生期预测的不确定性等。整体上负面影响更为突出,表明气候变化为城市植被带来的挑战远大于机遇。而目前,此领域在中国开展的研究尚显不足,未来值得更多关注。
关键词:  城市植被  气候变化  生长胁迫  生态适应性  树种构成  物候特征  植物景观
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 32171860);北京市园林绿化局项目(编号 CEG-2018-01);北京市科技计划项目(编号 D171100007217003,D171100007117001)
Review of Researches on Impacts of Climate Change on Urban Vegetation
DONG Li, XING Xiaoyi
Beijing Forestry University
The growth of urban plants is significantly affected by climate change, which accordingly limits the stable function of ecosystem services. A profound understanding of the impact of climate change on urban plants is critically important to improve the ecological adaptability of urban vegetation to climate change, maintain urban ecosystem stability and ensure landscape sustainability. This research gives a comprehensive interpretation about the impact of climate change on urban vegetation based on a systematic review and systematic summary of relevant domestic and foreign academic publications, aiming to draw more attention of our colleagues in landscape architecture to this field. The current studies show that global climate change has imposed a significant influence on the growth conditions, species composition, phenology characteristics, landscape effects and ecological functions of urban vegetation. The multiple effects include both positive and negative ones. The positive effects include the extension of the plant growth season, while the negative effects are as follows: global warming accelerating the aging of urban plants, extreme climate events aggravating physiological stresses to plant growth, decrease of climatically-suitable habitats for urban plants leading to tree species diversity decline and increased risk in biological invasion, climate-driven phenological variation changing interspecific relationship in community and the seasonal aspect of urban vegetation, and phenological fluctuation increasing the uncertainty of time arrangement in flower festival organization and control of phenology-driven seasonal diseases. The negative effects are more overwhelming than the positive ones, indicating that climate change brings far greater challenges to urban vegetation than opportunities. However, domestic research in this field is still insufficient, and more attention in the future is deserved.
Key words:  urban vegetation  climate change  stress to growth  ecological adaptation  species composition  phenological characteristics  plant landscape
DONG Li,XING Xiaoyi.Review of Researches on Impacts of Climate Change on Urban Vegetation[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(11):61-67.