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张德顺1, 刘鸣2, 姚驰远1, 陈陆琪瑶1
关键词:  气候变化  园林树种  抗风性  滨海地区  树种选择
分类号:TU 986
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 32071824,31770747)
Research Advances of Wind Resistance of Landscape Tree Species in Coastal Areas under Climate Change
ZHANG Deshun1, LIU Ming2, YAO Chiyuan,1, CHEN Luqiyao1
1.Tongji University;2.Dresden University of Technology
With the aggravation of climate changes, typhoon has posed a major threat to the ecological security in China’s coastal areas. Among numerous countermeasures, the selection of wind-resistant tree species is the basis of landscape architecture planning. On basis of elaborating the harms of typhoon to coastal areas in China, this research reviews the current situation and development trend of selecting wind-resistant tree species at home and abroad, in the aspects of the survey and evaluation of trees after cyclone, canopy wind resistance morphological characteristics research, trunk wind load stress and wood property analysis, and the root structure characteristics. To comprehensively improve the wind resistance of landscape tree species in coastal areas, this paper puts forward suggestions on comprehensively analyzing the wind resistance factors of trees and scientifically matching wind-resistant tree species of plant communities.
Key words:  climate change  landscape tree species  wind resistance  coastal areas  tree species selection
ZHANG Deshun,LIU Ming,YAO Chiyuan,,CHEN Luqiyao.Research Advances of Wind Resistance of Landscape Tree Species in Coastal Areas under Climate Change[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(11):68-73.