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刘文平1, 宋子亮1, 李岩1, 孔凡婕2
关键词:  基于自然的解决方案  生态修复  可持续发展  流域  长江经济带
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 32171858);中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金(编号 2662019PY046, 2662021JC002)
Application of Nature-based Solutions in Ecological Restoration of Watershed: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Economic Belt
LIU Wenping1, SONG Ziliang1, LI Yan1, KONG Fanjie2
1.Huazhong Agricultural University;2.Center for Land Consolidation, Ministry of Natural Resources
Restoring damaged and degraded ecosystems has become an urgent priority in addressing the global climate change and social challenges. However, the restoration actions over the past decades, featuring small-scale project implementation and single ecological restoration goal, have neglected the co-effects of socio-economic drives and stress, which result in the failure to effectively curb the trend of ecological degradation. How to fix the ecosystem and promote the sustainable development of multiple stakeholders remains the main challenge facing ecological restoration. Taking the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) as the study object, this research analyzes the issues and challenges of watershed ecological restoration under the sustainable development goal, and proposes an ecological restoration framework that includes “standard-goal-path” with the Nature-based Solutions (NbS). It also constructs the path of ecological restoration that comprises ecological restoration operations, improvement of ecosystem functions and services, and win-win results of social and economic well-being. Furthermore, this research proposes the action strategies for ecological restoration in the YREB, including the construction of an overall green infrastructure network, promotion of the restoration of degraded ecosystems by different categories, and scientific implementation of the comprehensive renovation of territorial space along the Yangtze River. It is expected to provide reference for systematically solving the ecological restoration needs and socio-economic challenges in the YREB.
Key words:  Nature-based Solutions  ecological restoration  sustainable development  watershed  the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB)
LIU Wenping,SONG Ziliang,LI Yan,KONG Fanjie.Application of Nature-based Solutions in Ecological Restoration of Watershed: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Economic Belt[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(12):23-28.