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关键词:  生命共同体  最优价值  自然恢复  生态保护  生态修复  生态建设
Research on the Construction Path of Optimal Value Life Community: A Case Study of Guangyang Island in Chongqing
ZHAO Wenbin
China Architecture Design and Research Institute
Under the traditional governance mode that is managed by a single functional department and around a single goal, it is hard to solve the systematic and comprehensive ecological issues. The “optimal value life community” provides practical ideas for the current ecological protection and restoration. After long-term natural restoration or through accelerated appropriate artificial ecological restoration, the life community of high ecological value and high natural capital can be termed as “high-value life community” by moving from the existing ecological range to the high-value range to meet the needs of biodiversity. By giving full play to the positive role of the design, optimizing the allocation of ecological resources, seeking the optimal value point to meet the needs of people for a better life in the high-value ecological range, and realizing the high-value life community of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, it can be called the “optimal value life community”. Guangyang ecological restoration aims at building the optimal value life community. According to the three steps of maintaining the interval (ecological protection), promoting migration (ecological restoration), and seeking the optimal (ecological construction), this paper explores the construction path of "optimal value life community" from four dimensions: studying and judging the core elements of life community, coordinating the promotion strategy of each subsystem of life community, coupling the key indicators of each subsystem of life community, and seeking the optimal value of life community in the whole process.
Key words:  life community  optimal value  natural recovery  ecological protection  ecological restoration  ecological construction
ZHAO Wenbin.Research on the Construction Path of Optimal Value Life Community: A Case Study of Guangyang Island in Chongqing[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(12):29-36.