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吴佳雨, 梅陈子
关键词:  绿色空间  公平  空间规划  研究进展  规划体系
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51908488);浙江省社会科学规划课题(编号 21NDJC034YB)
Urban Green Justice: Global Research Review and Planning Reflection
WU Jiayu, MEI Chenzi
Zhejiang University
Rapid urbanization has exacerbated the problem of green injustice on a global scale, and the international academic circle has carried out in-depth theoretical researches and practical explorations. In the context of institutional reform of ecological civilization, the construction of the beautiful China and the promotion of new-type urbanization, it remains to be explored that how territory spatial planning system can respond to the issue of urban green justice. This paper, on the basis of reviewing, the progress of international green justice researches, constructs an analysis framework of green justice in spatial planning, and analyzes green injustice in three aspects of procedural, distributive and interactional justice in laws and regulations system, administration system, establishment system and implementation system of spatial planning. It provides a useful reference for promoting territory spatial planning in the new era of China.
Key words:  green space  justice  spatial planning  research progress  planning system
WU Jiayu,MEI Chenzi.Urban Green Justice: Global Research Review and Planning Reflection[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(12):37-42.