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胡杨1, 成超男2, 秦婧3, 黄思寒4
关键词:  风景园林  城市绿色空间  公正性  罗尔斯《正义论》  空间布局  朝阳区
Justice Evaluation of Urban Green Space: A Case Study of Chaoyang District, Beijing
HU Yang1, CHENG Chaonan2, QIN Jing3, HUANG Sihan4
1.Beijing Forestry University;2.Tsinghua University;3.f CAUPD Beijing Planning & Design Co., Ltd;4.China United Engineering Co., Ltd
Following the socialized, human-oriented transformation of urban development, studies of the justice of urban green space have gradually gained attention. This research attempts to apply the views and principles of Rawls' Theory of Justice, along with the evaluation methods of public service facilities, to build an evaluation framework of urban green space justice. Taking Chaoyang District of Beijing as an example, it evaluates the justice in four aspects: freedom of rights, equal opportunities, spatial justice, and balanced supply and demand. The results show that: 1) There are large blind areas of green space services, which fail to meet the bottom line requirements of equal opportunities; 2) Green space resources also fail to prioritize socially disadvantaged groups, which has not met the requirements to favor the least beneficiaries; 3) The overall supply and demand relationship is relatively balanced, but it is urgent to solve the problem of high demand and low supply of local space. Based on the evaluation results, this paper puts forward three suggestions to vacate and add green to eliminate the blind areas of services, improve the friendliness of travel space, and improve the convenience of public transportation, so as to improve the justice of green space at all levels and provide reference for the relevant planning and construction of urban green space.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban green space  justice  Rawls’ Theory of Justice  spatial layout  Chaoyang District
HU Yang,CHENG Chaonan,QIN Jing,HUANG Sihan.Justice Evaluation of Urban Green Space: A Case Study of Chaoyang District, Beijing[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(12):43-48.