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彭钦一, 杨锐
关键词:  风景园林  保护冲突  国土空间规划  冲突治理  生态保护
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51978365)
A Review of Conservation Conflict Research: Concepts, Research Progress and Governance Strategies
PENG Qinyi, YANG Rui
Tsinghua University
With the rapid development of social economy and the degradation of natural environment, the conflicts between ecological conservation and development are becoming increasingly inevitable. This research conducts systematic literature review to sort out the concept, research progresses and governance strategies of conservation conflicts. Conceptually, conservation conflict refers to the psychological antagonism or confrontational behavior caused by two or more groups holding conflicting views on the conservation objects. The main approaches to identify conservation conflicts are the qualitative method based on the overlapping map method and the quantitative method based on the two-dimensional framework of conflict. In terms of conservation conflict governance, the behavior control, attitude transformation and goal coordination are important strategies. In the context of territorial spatial planning, the identification and governance of conservation conflicts will become a key issue, which can provide an important basis for coordinating the three lines of ecological conservation red line, permanent basic farmland and urban development boundary and related spatial control measures.
Key words:  landscape architecture  conservation conflict  territorial spatial planning  conflict governance  ecological conservation
PENG Qinyi,YANG Rui.A Review of Conservation Conflict Research: Concepts, Research Progress and Governance Strategies[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(12):53-57.