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许晓青1, 金云峰1, 钟乐2
关键词:  风景园林  景观规划  声景资源  国土空间  声景规划  自然保护地
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金(编号 51808394);国家自然科学基金(编号 51978480);浦江人才计划(编号 18PJC113);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(编号 2662020YLQD003)
Management and Planning of Natural Tranquility of Protected Area Based on Spatio-Temporal Distribution Characteristics of Soundscape Resources
XU Xiaoqing1, JIN Yunfeng1, ZHONG Le2
1.Tongji University;2.Huazhong Agricultural University
As a natural resource, soundscape is of great significance to the ecosystem. In order to further protect the integrity of the ecosystem in protected area, the local acoustic environment needs to be managed and utilized rationally. The existing acoustic environment researches in China focus on the built environment, and the approaches of planning and managing the protection of the acoustic environment are yet to be deeply studied. With reference to the international advanced soundscape planning and management experience, this research studies relevant cases in the United States and European countries with spatial-temporal distribution as a cutting point. It also proposes planning management policies citing the Yunnan Dashanbao Nature Reserve as a practical case. It puts forward a method to control the acoustic environment of the protected area based on the characteristics of the current soundscape spatial-temporal distribution. It also raises for the first time in the country the corresponding management indicators and thresholds for the acoustic environment of natural reserves. The research can provide a reference for the management of the acoustic environment in protected area, and it is also of reference significance for the establishment of acoustic environment standards in areas with ecological protection value in the territory planning.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape planning  soundscape resources  territorial space  soundscape planning  protected area
XU Xiaoqing,JIN Yunfeng,ZHONG Le.Management and Planning of Natural Tranquility of Protected Area Based on Spatio-Temporal Distribution Characteristics of Soundscape Resources[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(12):58-62.