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王馨羽, 李梦雨, 刘煜, 姚朋
纽约区域规划协会(Regional Plan Association, RPA)是世界上最早开始实施区域规划的专业组织之一,自20世纪20年代以来,纽约大都市地区共开展了4次区域规划并进行了大量专项研究,规划持续了近百年,产生了世界一流的研究成果。通过聚焦4次区域规划中的绿色空间规划,对其规划背景、核心理念、规划内容进行研究,分析总结纽约大都市区区域绿色空间规划的演进特点和规律,得出以社会问题为导向、以专项研究为支撑的同质性特征,以及在自然观、研究视野和规划目标方面的异质性特征。在此基础上,从空间范畴、规划内容、规划方法、组织方式等方面,提出了对中国城市区域绿色空间规划的启示。
关键词:  纽约大都市区  区域规划  绿色空间  区域规划协会  城市治理
基金项目:北京林业大学“杰出青年人才”培育计划项目(编号 2019JQ03010)
Regional Green Space Planning Evolution in New York Metropolitan Area and Its Enlightenment (1922—2020)
WANG Xinyu, LI Mengyu, LIU Yu, YAO Peng
Beijing Forestry University
The New York Regional Plan Association (RPA) is one of the earliest professional organizations in the world to implement regional planning. Since the 1920s, it has carried out four regional planning programs and conducted a large number of special studies in the New York metropolitan area. The planning has lasted for nearly a century, producing world-class research results. By focusing on the green space planning in the four regional programs, this research makes a study of the planning background, core ideas and planning contents, analyzes and summarizes the evolution characteristics and laws of the regional green space planning in the New York metropolitan area. It is concluded that the homogeneity characteristics are guided by social issues and supported by special researches, as well as the heterogeneity in the view of nature, research vision and planning objectives. On this basis, it puts forward the enlightenment to China’s urban regional green space planning from the perspectives of spatial category, planning content, planning method, and organization mode.
Key words:  New York metropolitan area  regional plan  green space  Regional Plan Association (RPA)  urban governance
WANG Xinyu,LI Mengyu,LIU Yu,YAO Peng.Regional Green Space Planning Evolution in New York Metropolitan Area and Its Enlightenment (1922—2020)[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(12):63-69.