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张天洁, 侯英裕
关键词:  风景园林  包容性景观更新  废弃铁路  第三方组织  协作模式  线性空间  工业遗产
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号 51778403,51778406)
Research on Spatial and Social Inclusive-Oriented Landscape Renewal Collaboration Models: From Abandoned Railways to Line of Life
ZHANG Tianjie, HOU Yingyu
Tianjin University
In the worldwide boom of landscape renewal of abandoned railways, the governments of some countries have realized that the interests of different groups need to be coordinated behind the space transformation in order to increase the inclusiveness of the renewal process and results. An effective way to achieve this goal is collaborative planning. According to the attributes of third-party organizations, the collaboration models are divided into three types: expert-based, agency-based, and government-based. Incorporating case studies, this research analyzes the collaboration mechanism and the ways to promote inclusiveness in collaboration. The results show that: 1) The expert-based collaboration model is suitable for downtown areas with diverse types of land use, which is easy to produce spatial diversity; 2) The agency-based collaboration model is suitable for suburban areas with more idle land, which can reserve space for future development along the line; 3) The government-based collaboration model is suitable for areas with mature planning and systematic construction, which is conducive to government control and enables the government to carry out cross-area cooperation. These results are expected to provide experience and theoretical reference for China’s collaborative actions in building an inclusion-oriented renewal of abandoned railways.
Key words:  landscape architecture  inclusive urban regeneration  abandoned railway  third-party organization  collaboration model  linear space  industrial heritage
ZHANG Tianjie,HOU Yingyu.Research on Spatial and Social Inclusive-Oriented Landscape Renewal Collaboration Models: From Abandoned Railways to Line of Life[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(12):107-111.