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陈天一, 赵聪聪, 文素洁, 胡远东
关键词:  风景园林  生境单元  城市生境单元制图  生态空间管理  生物多样性保护
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金(编号 2572017CA12,2572018CP06)
Research Progress in Urban Biotope Mapping and Its Application in Biodiversity Conservation
CHEN Tianyi, ZHAO Congcong, WEN Sujie, HU Yuandong
Northeast Forestry University
Urban biotope mapping is an effective way to apply raw ecological environment information and biological data to urban nature conservation and ecological space management decision-making. Biotope mapping is of great significance to reveal the distribution law of urban environment and biodiversity and explore the ecological boundary of urban biodiversity protection and management. This research reviews the domestic and overseas studies of urban biotope mapping, and systematically introduces the major procedures and research methods. It compares and reviews urban biotope mapping cases from domestic and overseas areas, and summarizes the application of biotope mapping in urban biodiversity conservation. Lastly, it proposes the key issues to be solved in the urban biotope mapping researches and the application prospects of urban biodiversity conservation in China, in a bid to provide a scientific basis and reference for urban biodiversity conservation and urban ecological construction in China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  biotope  urban biotope mapping  ecological space management  biodiversity conservation
CHEN Tianyi,ZHAO Congcong,WEN Sujie,HU Yuandong.Research Progress in Urban Biotope Mapping and Its Application in Biodiversity Conservation[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(1):12-17.