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张婧远, 刘堃
关键词:  风景园林  动物包容性城市设计  城市人居环境  目标物种选择  共生策略  应用路径
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 52108048);深圳市引进海外高层次人才科研启动基金(编号 FB11409008);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号 FB45001033)
Dilemma and Symbiosis: Reviewing the Strategies of Wildlife-Inclusive Urban Design and Its Insights for Applications
ZHANG Jingyuan, LIU Kun
Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)
Current strategies for biodiversity conservation largely aim at protecting remnant natural areas in urban built environment or specific species, while paying little attention to biodiversity conservation integrated with urban design strategies. In the concept of wildlife-inclusive urban design, the demand of animals and humans are incorporated in the process of design strategies, serving as creative paths for the conservation of biodiversity from the perspective of spatial planning and design. The method of literature analysis was used to systematically review and discuss the key concept, design strategies and current applications of wildlife-inclusive urban design, and explored the symbiosis strategy regarding the coexistence of target species survival and urban development. In addition, considering the actual demand of biodiversity conservation and territory spatial planning, the application path of wildlife-inclusive urban design was discussed, and thus proposed three key points of application path including merging of planning control, participation of comprehensive expert team and multiple interest groups. Results of this study provided new ideas and methods for biodiversity conservation in urban human settlement environment, so as to facilitate the development of the innovative concept of wildlife-inclusive urban design in the aspects of theoretical framework and empirical application.
Key words:  landscape architecture  wildlife-inclusive urban design  urban human settlement environment  target species selection  symbiosis strategy  application path
ZHANG Jingyuan,LIU Kun.Dilemma and Symbiosis: Reviewing the Strategies of Wildlife-Inclusive Urban Design and Its Insights for Applications[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(1):18-25.