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杨寓棋, (新西兰)玛丽亚·伊格纳季耶娃, (澳大利亚)安德丽亚·盖诺
关键词:  风景园林  生态设计  野生动物友好设计  城市生物多样性  本土植物保育  原始残存植被
基金项目:蜂蜜产品合作研究中心项目(编号 20160042)
Design and Conservation Strategies for Urban Biodiversity in Australian Botanic Gardens
YANG Yuqi, (NZL) Maria Ignatieva, (AUS) Andrea Gaynor
University of Western Australia (UWA)
Due to the differences in landscape origins, physical environment conditions, and socio-economic development, there are different approaches to understanding urban biodiversity and the way it intersects with ecological design approaches in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. Australian native plant communities have thrived in this continent for millennia and formed a unique landscape of very high biodiversity. Botanic gardens are venerable institutions that have evolved through the years, adapting to cultural and social demands. The planning and design of botanic gardens are affected by political, economic and social perceptions as well as by individual designers. Botanic gardens reflect the dynamic character of scientific knowledge, and changes in the aesthetic expressions of human cultures over time. Botanic gardens therefore offer a unique vision of how different social groups have used and valued plants in the past. The recent ecological design approaches of botanic gardens reflect a new vision of valuing and protecting biodiversity. This paper reviews the biodiversity benefits of botanic gardens. It discusses the changes of design focus to demonstrate biodiversity, using case studies in Australia. The design history of Australian botanic gardens, Australia’s native biodiversity, and biodiversity-focused design solutions are discussed and analysed. It offers a framework for understanding local biodiversity and developing designing strategies for demonstration preservation strategies in botanic gardens. The research outcomes of this paper provides a new angle which allows to rethink and reinforce “biodiversity” in designing a botanic garden.
Key words:  landscape architecture  ecological design  wildlife friendly design  urban biodiversity  conservation of native plants  remnant vegetation
YANG Yuqi,(NZL) Maria Ignatieva,(AUS) Andrea Gaynor.Design and Conservation Strategies for Urban Biodiversity in Australian Botanic Gardens[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(1):34-48.