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童彤, 鲍沁星
关键词:  适应气候变化  基于生态系统的适应  基于生态系统的减灾  基于自然的解决方案  气候规划
The Application of Ecosystem-Based Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Foreign Urban Climate Planning
TONG Tong, BAO Qinxing
Zhejiang A&F University
As the problem of climate change becomes increasingly serious, coping with climate change has become the key to sustainable urban development. In this context, ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) and ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR) theories have gradually emerged and received attention. The research on EbA and Eco-DRR, as emerging concepts, is carried out vigorously in the fields of ecology, climate change and urban design in foreign countries. Their concepts, connotations and other theoretical contents have gradually formed and turned to practical research. Meanwhile, the domestic research on EbA and Eco-DRR is just beginning, and the research on the application of EbA and Eco-DRR in cities is relatively lacking. Based on the urban planning and practice perspectives, this research first interprets and discriminates the backgrounds, connotations and synergy of EbA and Eco-DRR. Then it sorts out 22 foreign cities’ climate adaptation planning documents, analyzes their focus contents and measures, and explores the application of ecological methods in climate change. It can synchronize research progress at home and abroad, provide experience and reference for Chinese cities to adapt to climate change and build a beautiful China in the future.
Key words:  climate change adaptation  ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA)  ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR)  Nature-based Solutions (NbS)  climate planning
TONG Tong,BAO Qinxing.The Application of Ecosystem-Based Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Foreign Urban Climate Planning[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(1):102-107.